As shareholders of a top 50 accounting firm in the nation, Courtney Bach(图右)和Jayme Parmakian(图左)帮助推动LBMC的战略愿景和增长. Bach provides 审计和咨询 services for hospitals, 行为健康提供者, 持续护理退休社区, independent and assisting living facilities, nursing homes and hospice care organizations. Parmakian works on 税 compliance and consulting for clients within the health care, 科技和制造业. 

LBMC, one of the Southeast’s leading accounting and 业务 consulting firms, 自豪地宣布 考特尼·巴赫,注册会计师审计的股东 & 顾问部,及 杰米·帕马基安,注册会计师, Shareholder in the 税 division, won the 纳什维尔 Business Journal’s 2021 Women of Influence award 动态二人组. 

Original post on 纳什维尔 Business Journal

巴赫和帕尔马基安是由 纳什维尔商业杂志 在他们的领域中脱颖而出, 发展中 a team approach between their divisions to better serve their clients, and helping drive the growth of strong female leaders within LBMC and nationally. 他们在一起工作超过15年,两人都在年轻时就成为了这个以男性为主的行业的股东.

Bach and Parmakian are not only shareholders. They help drive LBMC’s strategic vision and growth with a focus on key initiatives, 人才收购, 客户体验. By operating as a team and collaborating with service lines across LBMC, they have been instrumental in providing clients with cohesive, expansive services and enhanced efficiency to meet their needs. At the heart of this Dynamic Duo’s success is mentorship. As leaders in the Women’s Initiative Network (WIN), which is a community dedicated to attracting, 保留, 发展中, 鼓励, 并支持LBMC中的女性, 他们以身作则. 他们热衷于改变未来女性领导者在工作与生活平衡方面的生活. 两人都是纳什维尔其他行业的女性领袖在社区中的活跃联络人,并受到打破障碍和促进文化变革的巨大进步的鼓舞.

Congratulations to Courtney and Jayme on this outstanding achievement. 超过15年了, they have demonstrated extraordinary leadership to clients and team members alike, 在过去的12个多月里,在我们应对疫情的过程中,他们一直保持着奉献精神. I am honored to have them represent LBMC with this prestigious award.

If you could invite five people to a dinner party, who would they be?

巴赫: 如果给我这个机会,我很想和那些有一些有趣的故事和智慧可以分享的成功女性在一起. 多莉·帕顿、玛丽·巴拉、塞雷娜·威廉姆斯、伊丽莎白·莫斯、托里·伯奇, 杰米·帕马基安,因为如果我不带朋友来,没人会相信晚餐发生了!

Parmakian: 米歇尔·奥巴马、奥普拉·温弗瑞、瑞茜·威瑟斯彭、英国女王伊丽莎白二世和卡玛拉·哈里斯.

与五年前相比,你对越来越多的女性进入领导层/政府感到乐观还是不乐观, 为什么?

巴赫: 更加乐观. 面对全球流行病, many companies looked inward and redefined how their employee’s work. ……从长远来看, 我乐观地认为,一个更灵活的工作场所可以创造一种文化,让女性有平等的机会充分发挥自己的潜力.

Parmakian: 我对女性担任领导角色更加乐观,因为越来越多的女性在支持其他女性. 我看到女性在商业中把彼此视为合作伙伴,而不是在同一家公司或公司里把彼此视为竞争对手.


巴赫: 外出就餐. 在2020年,自制饭菜不仅是必不可少的,而且几乎是强制性的. My husband picked up grilling during the pandemic and we have never looked back.

Parmakian: Always putting work before everything else. 我明白了(或者真正开始明白)人生苦短,大多数同事和客户都更尊重我,因为我把丈夫和儿子放在第一位.

What question do you wish we would have asked you, and how would you answer it?

巴赫: 说出一个你引以为傲的目标. … Several years ago, I set a goal to run 1,000 miles in one year. … My 1,5000英里的旅程带领我克服了挑战和障碍,并教会我没有什么可以代替努力工作, 毅力和一致性.

Parmakian: What is the best advice you have received in your career? The best advice I received was to “learn how to say no without saying no.” It is important to always be willing to help, 但更重要的是要知道你的极限,这样你才能保持精神清新和投入.

What question are you tired of answering?

巴赫: 做一个职业妈妈有多难? 在过去的一年里,我学到了很多. … Working full time is no joke and neither is parenthood. I am finding my balance with personal and professional responsibilities, and I am grateful to have such a strong support system.

Parmakian: Do you think we can continue to allow our employees to work from home? 只要雇员和雇主之间相互尊重,并且经常沟通,答案总是肯定的.


巴赫: People are one of our greatest challenges. 培训和培养未来的领导者是当务之急,争夺优秀人才的斗争将继续是一场斗争. 新冠肺炎疫情加剧了这一挑战, 由于许多人生活在偏远地区,确保他们建立关系并获得继续进步所需的培训一直很困难. We work in an industry that requires longer hours during certain times of the year, so 保留 women who want to start families is also a challenge. They see very few women currently doing this and making it work, 这让他们认为这是不可能的. Helping women see the many benefits of public accounting with a family, 尤其是在LBMC这样的公司, 是我们继续关注的问题吗. 拥抱技术和员工在任何地方工作的能力将继续很重要,因为它进一步支持灵活性并扩大人才库.

Parmakian: 1.The ability to train and develop our employees in the new remote work environment. 我们也在努力确保找到一种方法,与明升体育app下载员工和客户/潜在客户建立和培养有意义的关系. 2. Retaining women who are starting families and keeping them in the workforce. 我们正试图想出新的方法,为这些女性提供更大的灵活性,这样我们就能确保LBMC在她们组建家庭的过程中很适合她们. We have hired a CPO and are evolving the Talent Division to enhance coaching and L&这些都是朝着成为一个更多女性领导的组织发展的积极步骤.


巴赫: My husband turned me on to a book called “Tribe of Mentors,” by Tim Ferriss. 这本书与我读过的任何书都不一样——它是对一些世界顶级运动员的采访汇编, 投资, 业务, 音乐, 等. 我发现这些技巧和工具很有用, 这本书让我反思了我在职业生涯中得到的导师和建议. 我喜欢的一个方面是每次采访的关键要点或引语. 例如, 我将分享一句引起共鸣的名言:“伟大的机会从来不会在主题栏中出现‘伟大的机会’。,——斯科特·贝尔斯基(企业家). It is a reminder that the best opportunities may not initially catch your attention, but whether you are looking for a new client, 工作, or even 业务 opportunity – what makes an opportunity great is the upside. Don’t be afraid to seize opportunities when they present themselves, 在方便或明显的情况下不会. Life’s greatest opportunities run on their own schedule, not yours. 在像2020年这样奇怪的一年, this (and quotes like it) offer perspective – at a time when it is much needed.

Parmakian: 布赖恩·特雷西(Brian Tracy)的《明升体育app下载》(Eat That Frog). 它教会我尽早处理更困难的任务,而不是把精力和时间浪费在压力和担心上.


巴赫: “Ready for the Times to Get Better,” by Cody Jinks. During quarantine I was pregnant, so I rarely left the house. My husband took up grilling as a new hobby, so we spent a lot of weekends hanging out on the patio, listening to 音乐 and trying something new on the grill. 这首歌真的引起了我的共鸣——“我已经有太长时间没有平静的心情了……我已经准备好迎接更好的时代。,并帮助我专注于生活中所有美好的事情(在成为父母之前与丈夫共度美好时光), becoming parents and slowing down some).

Parmakian: “骨头,玛伦·莫里斯(Maren Morris)的歌——纳什维尔发生龙卷风的那个早晨,我在上班的路上听到了这首歌. The lyrics talk about how when there are hard times, if you trust in yourself and the foundation you have built, you will make it through whatever you are going through. This has also resonated with me throughout the last nine months of the pandemic.

Courtney Bach/Jayme Parmakian

类别:Dynamic Duo


标题:股东, 审计和咨询, health care (Bach); Shareholder, 税, leader of transaction advisory 税 group (Parmakian)